
Bruno Ramos Gomes

Bruno Ramos Gomes

Ibogaine treatment in Brazil with stimulant drug users: 5 case studies

The author presents 5 patient cases of Ibogaine treatment with crack and cocaine users in Brazil. He has been working in the preparation and the post-ibogaine treatment with Dr. Bruno Rasmussen Chaves in São Paulo, Brazil, since 2010. This presentation focuses on presenting on detail the preparation and trajectory of 5 patients from last year, showing the peculiarities and different characteristics of a non-opioid drug. In Brazil, Ibogaine is not a forbidden “drug”, but it’s not also a licenced medical substance yet, but in this context many different clinics are starting to work with it. How do we prepare cocaine patients for Ibogaine? Is it different than opioid patients? From his clinical practice, the author will also try to discuss about the comprehensions on drug use in Brazil and how Ibogaine is being understood and promoted by the clinics.

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