Adrian Auler
Adrian Auler is a doctoral candidate in the department of East-West Psychology at the California Institute Integral Studies (CIIS). His dissertation proposes an explication of the nature of addiction and principles of recovery while examining the treatment of opiate addiction with ibogaine, an African entheogen or sacred shamanic medicine. Its lens is integral psychology, a type of transpersonal psychology imbedded in the integral philosophy and yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Its methodology is autoethnography. He has written an accessible book version of the dissertation for the public which is an autoethnography itself. His consciousness studies work implicates the old paradigm in the current spread of addiction and other mental illnesses and is meant to further the revolution of paradigm already in progress. Other research interests are cell physiology, ecology, space exploration, archaeology, ancient and pre-history, geology, paleontology, and mythology.